An opportunity to get trained before the Big Day!
GM Coaching Camp – A Prior Event to the National Chess Championship
From: October 12th to 15th – oct – 2017
This event is aimed for rated chess players above 1800. The event is held at KORE, KCT. This is a kind of event which enhance the chess skills of rated players to face the National Chess Championship.
The following are the contents of the event :
Day 1 -Elements of positional chess
Day 2 -Prophylaxis
Day 3-Calculation and initiative.
Day 4-Winning slightly better positions.
The participants will be given both hands on training with theoretical sessions.
Organizers: Dr.N.Mahalingam Chess Academy
Venue: Kumaraguru College of Technology
Chief Guest and Trainer: GM Vishnu Prasanna (16th Rank Holder in India)
Around 15 to 20 rated chess players will be trained for 4 days.
Come, become a Quiz Master!!